Common Linux Privilege Escalation



squashfs 文件系统的制作与使用原创

quashfs是以linux 内核源码补丁的形式发布,附带mksquashfs工具,用于创建squash文件系统。squashfs可以将整个文件系统或者某个单一的目录压缩在一起, ...


squashfs是眾多Live CD使用的檔案系統,Why?因為它那嚇死人的壓縮率,舉個例子,以筆者製做的root file system為例,壓縮過後的initial ram disk大小 ...

Squashfs 4.0 Filesystem

Squashfs is a compressed read-only filesystem for Linux. It uses zlib, lz4, lzo, xz or zstd compression to compress files, inodes and directories.


Squashfs is a compressed read-only file system for Linux. Squashfs compresses files, inodes and directories, and supports block sizes from 4 KiB up to 1 MiB.

How to make squash file system read-write

You can't mount a squashfs filesystem as read-write. There is however still a way to modify the contents. You will need the squashfs or squashfs-tools package.

Install Squash TM

a Windows installer that allows for a quick install for demonstration purposes only. a universal package compatible with Windows, Mac, and Linux (.zip or tar.gz).

Linux Squash filesystem

The shared object provides access to Squash filesystems for QNX OS. The Squash filesystem allows you to compress data, inodes, and directories.

How to install Squash TM on DebianUbuntu?

The Squash TM application is delivered in different packages: a Windows installer (.jar) that allows a quick installation for demonstration ...


Squashfs 是一种只读压缩文件系统,通常被用于数据备份或者系统资源受限的计算机系统上使用,如Linux 发行版的LiveCD,OpenWRT 系统也采用squashfs。


Squashfs(.sfs)是一套供Linux核心使用的GPL開源唯讀壓縮檔案系統。Squashfs能夠為檔案系統內的檔案、inode及目錄結構進行壓縮,並支援最大1024千位元組的塊大小,以提供 ...

